Art-Perf Metal Acoustic Panels consist of a metal or aluminum frame surrounded with a perforated metal or aluminum skin and contain encapsulated acoustical fiberglass sound absorber. Sound waves enter through the perforated metal allowing the noise to reach acoustic sound absorbing material. Art-Perf Metal Acoustic Panels are typically used in industrial, institutional and architectural environments. Applications include gymnasiums, swimming pools, pump rooms, generator enclosures and industrial fabrication work areas. These panels also provide exceptional architectural appeal and functionality in offices and conference rooms. Art-Perf Acoustic Panels are available in many custom colors. Art-Perf Metal Acoustic Panels are available in many standard and custom sizes. ArtUSA® Noise Control Products offers all the available Acoustical Solutions for today’s demanding environment.
Unit of Measure



N/A 450 ft²

Minimum Order

N/A 4



N/A Face pattern does not change price structure.