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Noise Barriers
Noise Barriers
(18)ArtUSA® barriers are flexible noise barriers designed to stop the passage of sound through walls, ceilings and floors. Barriers are available in a variety of styles to meet a multitude of applications. Barrier is ideals for all types of buildings from individual homes to multistory hotels providing STC ratings up to 31.
Acoustical Wall Noise Barriers
There are two types of the Art-Composite Vinyl Sound Barrier Wall Systems. The Tuf-Barrier and the Silent Protector System. Both Sound barrier Wall systems are designed and engineered for heavy traffic and high noise areas. The "STC 32-Heavy Wall" system meets or exceeds AASHTO guidelines in the key mass requirement, wind load sustaining (most heights and velocities) and decibel reduction criteria. These Sound Barrier Wall systems are designed for today's demanding hyper-construction projects. Both the Tuf-Barrier and Silent Protector Sound Barrier Wall Systems meet all AASHTO guidelines and are light weight pre-engineered systems for ground and structure mount.