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Doors and Windows
- Doors
(2)Acoustical Doors & Windows are designed to reduce sound transmission and have STC ratings from STC 41 to STC 55. Along with full blown acoustical windows, ArtUSA® Noise Control Products Inc. offers acoustical door seals and window seal kits to reduce sound transmission on existing doors and windows.
Acoustical Doors
ArtUSA® Noise Control Products, Inc. offers the industry's widest selection of sound rated doors. A variety of STC (Sound Transmission Classification) ratings are available from STC 41 to STC 57. Along with the standard single swing 3' x 7' doors, we can manufacture various oversized, undersized, double doors, swinging doors and tandem doors and doors with or without windows. Most acoustic doors have a standard metal finish, however the Marshfield door slabs have a veneer facing with many veneer options available. Listed below is pricing for standard acoustical doors sizes only. Some typical applications for sound rated doors include recording and broadcast studios, conference rooms, theaters, home theaters, large test cells and educational distance learning classrooms.