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Art Round Silencers
Art Round Silencers
(11)Art Round Silencer We also offer a wide-range of acoustic silencers engineered and independently tested to fit your application. Our silencers offer noise control in industrial and HVAC applications. Our round silencers have been designed, tested, and manufactured to ensure the highest performance and most efficient operation at an economical price.
- Advanced Acoustical Cones with Square Outlet
Art Rectangular Silencers™
Art Rectangular Silencer™ silencers provide effective and predictable noise control for HVAC and industrial applications. Standard silencers have been tested in a NVLAP® certified acoustical laboratory. All performance data was obtained in accordance with the latest ASTM E-477 standards. This data allows for accurate and reliable selection of the Art Silencer™ for the specified noise reduction requirements. Each Art Silencer™ is configured with optimal design features shape, geometry, fill materials, frequency loss, and velocity classification, and options to meet performance needs. There are models to handle airflow velocities from 0 to 10,000 fpm Materials of construction for all standard silencers include 22-gauge, galvanized steel outer casings, 24-gauge, perforated galvanized steel inner baffles, and an acoustical fill that has been tested in accordance with UL 723 procedures and meets NFPA 90A requirements.
- Advanced Acoustical Cones with Round Inlet
- Advanced Acoustical Cones with Round Outlet
ArtSilencer Acoustical Louvers™ and Transfer / Return Silencers
ArtSilencer Acoustical Louvers™ Acoustical louvers are multi-purpose louvers that can be used to permit the flow of air while providing excellent sound attenuation and protect the environment from noise pollution. Sound ratings are available from tests conducted by Riverbank Acoustical Laboratories, Geneva, IL, for most models and comply with the following standards: "Recommended Practice for Laboratory Measurement of Airborne Sound Transmission Loss of Building Partitions," ASTM Designation E90-75, and "Standard Classification for Determination of Sound Transmission Class," ASTM Designation E413-73. ArtUSA® offers a wide variety of louver models and finishes within each category of louver types.
ArtSilencer Return Grille Silencer™ The return grille silencer is designed for use between a return air stream and an occupied space and is available in standard and nonstandard sizes to accommodate many applications. Standard is hot-dipped galvanized steel with a coating weight of G-90 (0.90 ounces per square foot) and a standard mill finish. Hot-dipped galvanized steel with G-115 coating can also be furnished for an additional charge. -
Custom Silencers
ArtSilencer™ We design and build many custom configurations depending on our customer's requirements. We engineer and manufacture engine silencers for use in suppressing the noise generated from the intake and exhaust of any internal combustion engine. This includes intake filters, filter silencers, and a wide range of exhaust silencers for naturally aspirated and turbocharged engines. Our vent silencers and blow down silencers are designed for suppressing the noise associated with venting high pressure gas to the atmosphere. We custom engineer each system based on customer specifications. These quieter's can range in size from 4 inches to over 12 feet in diameter. Typical applications include natural gas blow downs, compressor and steam boiler blow offs, start-gas and process vents and steam ejectors. Our gas turbine silencers are engineered for the unique qualities of a gas turbine exhaust. Years of experience have provided us the expertise required to handle the high temperature and low pressure drop requirements of gas turbines.
Plenum Silencers
ArtSilencer™ We design and build many custom configurations depending on our customer's requirements. We engineer and manufacture engine silencers for use in suppressing the noise generated from the intake and exhaust of any internal combustion engine. This includes intake filters, filter silencers, and a wide range of exhaust silencers for naturally aspirated and turbocharged engines. Our vent silencers and blow down silencers are designed for suppressing the noise associated with venting high pressure gas to the atmosphere. We custom engineer each system based on customer specifications. These quieter's can range in size from 4 inches to over 12 feet in diameter. Typical applications include natural gas blow downs, compressor and steam boiler blow offs, start-gas and process vents and steam ejectors. Our gas turbine silencers are engineered for the unique qualities of a gas turbine exhaust. Years of experience have provided us the expertise required to handle the high temperature and low pressure drop requirements of gas turbines.