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Vibration and Underlayment
Artsonic® Floor Mats
Artsonic® creates sound-rated floors with the high IIC and STC level required by ICBO, UBC and FHA for luxury developments. It is a durable and proven solution - the only mat that has been tested after 10 years of use. (Artsonic® retained 97% of original thickness, was as pliable as a new roll, and performed equally to a newly manufactured roll.) It increases IIC levels up to 12 points over wood frame, and up to 20 points over concrete. It also increases the STC rating 6-15 points over a bare wood frame system. Artsonic® is always "Green" with 40% pre-consumer recycled content. It is also offered with optional water resistant fabric.
Art-Composites Floor Mats
Art-Composite Floor Mat is similar in construction to WM1. A single layer of open or closed cell foam, typically 1/4 inch or 1/2 inch, is combined with a barrier. On top of the barrier is a durable wear resistant surface which is applied without the aid of adhesives that fail under the extreme conditions floor mats are subject to.
Style HEW has a deep twist grain wear surface to stand up to heavily traveled and severe environments.
Style PGW is a more economical floor mat with a pebble grain embossed wear surface.
Standard applications are trucks, buses, construction equipment and agriculture machinery as well as runners and fatigue mats. -
Isolation Pads
Isolation Pads
(12)Vibration Isolation Pads are high grade neoprene isolation mediums. They are an economical and efficient means to control structure-born noise and resonant vibration. Placement of pads under machinery such as compressors, grinders, metal panel enclosures or other sources of highly intense noise levels control vibration and shock.
Isolation Hangers
Art Isolation Hangers are use neoprene elements and springs to avoid metal to metal contact. This separation is designed to isolate noise, reduce resonant vibration and lower structure-borne noise. The primarily use of Isolation Ceiling Hangers to isolate ceiling grid systems and pipe and duct work. All hangers are designed to allow as much as 30 angular rod misalignments. All springs are designed to provide additional travel to solid of 50% of rated load. The Isolation Spring and Isolation Combination Hangers can be used for hanging objects such as speakers, small machinery, metal enclosures and more.
Sound Damping Sheets
Sound damping sheets are self-adhesive pads used for sound and vibration damping on metal panels. The adhesive side is smooth, giving complete contact with the underlying surface without air pockets or channels. Soundamp E is odorless, wear-resistant and impregnated to prevent the absorption of water. Both pad material and adhesive can withstand temperatures between -22 ºF and 248 ºF and are highly resistant to aging. Typical applications include ventilation ducts, hoppers, machine guards, boats, buses, air compressors, hoods, vibration tables, hoppers, chutes, generator enclosures and more.
Vibration Isolation Mounts
Vibration Isolation Mounts are designed to isolate noise, reduce resonant vibration and lower structure-borne noise. Applications include isolating everything from fans, motors, pumps, machinery and compressors to air handling equipment. Vibration Isolation mounts, weather they be spring or neoprene, work well to control vibration and high frequency sound reduction. For low frequency sound reduction we recommend using the Spring Mounts.
B-10 Floor Noise Barriers
ArtUSA®'s B-10NR flexible noise barrier is a 1 lb psf non-reinforced loaded vinyl barrier used to stop the transmission of noise from one area to another. B-10 barrier is used underneath carpeting or floated or glued down laminate or engineered hardwood flooring to improve transmission loss through a floor. B-10NR is easily installed in floors, complicated construction is not necessary. Low cost solutions for noise transmission problems. Standard rolls measure 54" wide x 30' long.
Artmat Sound Underlayments
Artmat Sound Underlay by ArtUSA® is a rubber-based floor underlayment made from recycled rubber tires. This sound barrier is used under floated or glued down laminate or engineered hardwood flooring. Sound Barrier is excellent for use in lightweight wood frame construction due to its weight & mass. ArtUSA Noisecontrolproducts.com sells this product across the United States, for use in commercial, residential, and mixed-use construction. Artmat sound underlay is available in stock thickness of 3 mm, 6 mm and 12 mm with custom thicknesses from 1 mm to 17 mm.