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Artvinyl Sound Walls are constructed with tongue and groove PVC panels. Panels are stacked and placed within standard steel posts to the required height and capped with a top panel. Designed in response to an industry need for an absorptive noise wall that was high performing, structurally strong, maintenance free and cost effective. Industrial loading docks, HVAC units, blowers, exhaust fans & any large equipment that businesses need to perform essential tasks within their organizations can also upset abutting neighbors. A sound absorbing noise wall like the Silent ProtectorTM can reduce the noise to acceptable levels. The Silent ProtectorTM has an STC (Sound Transmission Class) rating of 31 with an NRC (Noise Reduction Coefficient) rating of 1.0, can be installed to heights of 30' and spans of up to 10' and is a comparably lower in cost than other similar products.
Unit of Measure